She is extremely responsive, never balks at tight deadlines, and I’m pleased to say that our projects have gone smoothly from start to finish.

Nichole Veatch, Director, Primary Research, Campaign for Tobacco Free Kids

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All photos taken by
Christine Quirk
on various projects.

Education mosaic on School 25
Melitopol, Ukraine, October, 2019

Opinion Research Agency
Interviewer training
Dhaka, December 2014

The Soviet Union Called but No One Picked Up
Kyiv, Ukraine, December 2021

Education Mosaic
Kramatorsk, Ukraine, May 2018

Ukraine: Political Insight & Expert Analysis
Lviv train station
Lviv, Ukraine, February 2018

Kharkiv City Administration Building, bombed by Russia 24 February 2022
Kharkiv, Ukraine, January 2018

Yachting Mosaic
Mariupol, Ukraine, October 2019, destroyed by Russia, March 2022

Political and Advocacy Consulting
Ladies Watching
Bursa, Turkey 2013 

Happy New Year, Maidan
Kyiv, December 2006

Political Analysis & Assessment
Pantone Color: Kyiv Gray
Kyiv, November, 2021

Tymoshenko Election Tents
Kyiv, February 2006

Training and Capacity Building
Moderator training
Monrovia, Liberia November 2013

Field pretests
Colombo, Sri Lanka June 2014

Leptis Magna, Tripoli March 2013

Christine Quirk on cover of government broadsheet, “Yemen is safe for tourists”
Sanaa, Yemen, September 2008

Egg Ladies
Sheki, Azerbaijan, November 2005 

Local celebrity with stuffed wolf
Sheki, Azerbaijan, November 2005   

Rabat, November 2017  

Texture of Public Transport
Dhaka, November 2017

Web design

Simon Saunders Creative & Digital