With up to three elections scheduled in 2019 (presidential primary and run-off, and parliamentary ballots), Ukraine is going to be the subject of a lot of international attention in the coming months. With an unpopular president, unpopular political parties and a disillusioned, undecided electorate, the outcome of all these contests is anyone’s guess.

Few western consultants have as much experience conducting opinion research in Ukraine as QGS. We have been operating there since just after the Orange Revolution in 2004 and have advised multiple USG, non-profits and private sector clients on its political landscape. Since late 2017 alone we have observed and analyzed more than 100 focus groups throughout the country on topics ranging from emerging political forces to Russian disinformation to LBBTQ rights to decentralization to energy sector and pension reform.

Because we have worked in almost all of Ukraine’s Oblasts, from Donetsk to Rivne, we have a deep understanding of its regional nuances and how national political dynamics reflect them. We have solid relationships with qualitative and quantitative data collectors and can develop a research plan that helps reveal the currents shaping Ukrainian public opinion. We know which questions to ask to elicit the most actionable data. Contact us today to see how we can help you!